Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I'm Working this Week

After having the last month off, going back to work (for only a week) is difficult... I know...Whine, whine, whine.
I went into Staples last night and saw the "back to school" racks already on display and was saddened that the summer frolicking will come to end very soon.
Sometimes, I wonder if a year-round schooling would be more beneficial to the students as well as teachers. There are more breaks, but much shorter and it would keep everyone in school mode. Whereas how it is... I'm checked out and I'm fairly certain I'm not the only one.

Yawn, stretch,



Corvallist said...

We suffered through year-round schooling for a single year and it was enough. It sounded appealing at first, but the contiguous summer break gives kids a chance to get "bored" so that going back to school is seen as a treat. (Maybe not so much for teachers, sorry.) Plus, while there are lots of things to keep kids busy during the summer, it's much more difficult in, say, February.

Unknown said...

True. Mind you, I'd probably complain if we were year and pine for the days of summer break : )

Vita said...

Oh! Such trauma, having to go work when it's 90 degrees. Hmmmm. Air conditioning. Guess it's not so bad.