Thursday, August 31, 2006

Beavers Win the Game, but Lack in Graciousness

I'm going to whine a bit here, but it's my blog and I don't care.
Late this afternoon, people were gathering to greet the OSU football team. It was hot and the band had been practicing for the last two hours (without any water.) As the busses filled with the football team approached, fans were cheering and the band played. As everyone was showing their excitement for the upcoming game, the players did not show one iota of appreciation for those fans. Instead, there were no waves, no smiles, no eye contact.
I guess they were focusing on the game ahead. But seriously, these kids ought to have learned some manners and at the very least waved to the fans who awaited their arrival.
~ch (always a Beaver fan through and through.)


Vita said...

Well, focus is good, isn't it?

Unknown said...


Vita said...

Did T1 work in the concession stand?

Unknown said...

No, but I wish he had!