Sunday, April 22, 2007

I'm not happy today.

Two posts in one day. I've had a bad parenting weekend. There was quite a bit of arguing and a lot of tears (mostly mine.)
I'm at the point where I can only give so much before I'm broken. It seems that whatever I do is either not enough, not right, dumb, not fair, or all of the above. I'm tired and worn out and I need to go to work to get energized.
This weekend...
I've driven T1 to Portland for rugby.
Put gas in his car.
Bought him lunch.
Driven him to Eugene for more rugby.
Changed my schedule around so I could go and watch.
I'm told...
I don't want you at my event(s.)
I just need you to drive.
I only want one parent in the car at a time with me.
Can I have some money?
Why don't we celebrate me?
I don't want to celebrate with you guys. All you want to do is suck cream out of a trough.
Seriously, I'm tired.


Vita said...

I can understand not wanting to be criticized by two parents at once, but I'm pretty confused by his claims of cream sucking from troughs. My prediction is that one day he will, unless he already does, despite the way he talks, think he's got two most wonderful parents. I think he does.

Strayer said...

Sounds like he wants to appear to his peers like an independent tough guy and only wants you as drivers--not seen, because that would down his image. I'm not a parent. But, maybe just tell him, one way or the other. We drive you down and watch your game. Or we don't drive you down and you find another way or don't go.

I'm sorry you had a bad weekend. You sound like a fun loving kind person.

Anonymous said...

Who is T1?

Unknown said...

That would be "Thing 1." I have a Thing 1 and a Thing 2... a la Dr. Seuss : )

BoggyWoggy said...

Well, since my T1 and your T1 tend to hang out whenever possible, I can totally relate to your situation. I know that someday my daughter will like me. For now, I'm just the person who says dumb things, eats too much, bothers her, and tries to care.
You are amazing.
Let's go out and drink!