Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Catching up...

Well, I'd say I'm a bit of a slaker for not writing, but truth is... I'm only a blog slacker. Life has been very busy around here. With the end of the school year fast approaching, I'm doing my best to get everything in that needs to be done.

Regarding my last post about "accepting criticism," I felt bad for about a day and a half. After that, I laughed. Really, this is the only time I'd been told this... had this been the 2nd time, I might start to get worried.

I haven't seen much of my family lately. Spouse is busy doing what he does in the day and now he's even busier doing more things in the evenings. Child #1 (AKA Thing#1) is getting older and would rather be poked in the eye than hang around with us. Thing #2 has held down a job after school for 2 years now... and she's only in middle school... she is an amazing child. They both are really...just in different ways.

I will be going to a Flaming Lips concert with Thing #1 at the end of this month. I suppose if I'm buying and driving, it's OK to hang out with me : )

I'm looking forward to summer and going on a family vacation. There will be no telephones, no computers and very little t.v. (because it won't be in English (HOORAY!!) )

The flowers I planted are doing well, though I was worried that it might get too cold for them last night. Today they are toasting in the sunshine and looking happy... they survived.

I hope everyone is having a spiffy week,


1 comment:

Vita said...

Yea for thing number one and thing number 2. Yea for you. Yea for spouse. DDaughter will be at same place some of us will be if all goes well on Friday. HHusband had day off yesterday and took me for a motorcycle ride. Your Family Vacation sounds wonderful.