Sunday, July 13, 2008

Didn't Catch One...

But had a great time!
So sore today... I don't know why, because there wasn't a lot of exercise involved.
Played golf this morning to try and work out the kinks... ooooh, I didn't play well.
I'm looking forward to two packages that will hopefully come this week...
One is a data transfer cord for my gps. I want to download waypoints without having to do it manually.
The other is a bike mount for my gps. This way I can search for caches and have BOTH hands on the handlebars...yipeee!
Summer is moving by way to fast for me. I need to work the last week of this month and I don't want to. I really wish I could just have a complete summer, but whine, whine, whine... I know!
c'est la vie,

1 comment:

BoggyWoggy said...

You're probably sore from my attempt to kill all of us by crashing the boat into those big waves...sending your body flinging from side-to-side, striking fear into your heart.
Or, it could just be old age.