Friday, July 10, 2015

I Want Everyone to Care About My Kneecaps

My knees are bad. They hurt and I move slow. This runs in direct opposition to my spazzy spazzy self.

Today I got to see the x-rays of what my knees look like - Holy Crap! (I capitalized for emphasis.)
I'm too young for new knees - hooray! So, rather than surgery (been there, done that) I will be taking steroids to help alleviate the inflammation. Heads up, this time tomorrow, I may be a man.

So, now begins the transformation which not only includes steroids, but physical therapy and swimming. This is good.

Such is the way with Google, I've now Googled kneecap x-rays and read what the procedure is if this therapy doesn't work. I'm crossing my fingers here, because being a man is a small price to pay when faced with the alternative.

Getting older isn't always the most fun. Sneezing creates a whole new adventure. Whatevs.



Vita said...

Is that a trumpet and a baritone hovering over your knees? Pretty crazy looking x-ray!

Unknown said...

I had no idea what you were talking about... then I saw it! I can never unsee it. I will forever have a trumpet over my left knee and a baritone over my right knee.