Thursday, September 14, 2006

Do you find the music annoying?

Well do you? I was messing around yesterday and found that I could add music to my blog... OK. Cool. But I don't get to choose the tunes...

What do you think?

Should it stay, or should it go? (nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah plink plink plink)



Vita said...

Now I see your post about music, but I don't hear anything, so I can't vote. I even turned up the sound slide to half, then I checked the speakers by listening to the why no-trumpet Christmas track on i-tunes. Yup, it works.

Corvallist said...

There are controls to shut off the music if people don't like it. I have to turn it off if I want to post a comment, because it does slow things down a bit. Otherwise, it's your blog, do what you want! ;)