Saturday, March 18, 2006

Hello Corvallis Gazette Times, are you there?

In today's Gazette Times there is yet another article about the founders of the PEARL (People Energizing a Republican Left) Project.

I am pleased the GT are covering Pat and Irma. They are very nice people trying to make a difference... Good for them, we need more!

Hey GT! We have someone else trying to make a difference and the Gazette Times has in no way taken it upon themselves to report some other rather exciting news in our community.

Michael Smith is running for president. His goal is to obtain the 5000 signatures it requires to get on the Republican primary ticket. He is a self-described fiscal conservative/ social liberatarian.

I am working with Michael on his campaign because I am tired of having to explain why I am a republican, when everyone who knows me is absolutly shocked to find this tid-bit out. I believe in state rights, I believe in smaller government and I believe adults can think for themselves. I am not religious. I am happy to be alive.

It has become a personal embarrassement to say I am a republican, because with that statement I have found that a majority of people will make assumptions about my beliefs and my life style.

I believe everyone should have a chance to succeed. I belive there is nothing wrong with gay marraige... gay marrage in no way dimminishes my own marraige...why would it?

In closing...
Come on Gazette Times! Know what's happening in your community... please.

Michael Smith is not doing this as a lark. He is an extremely valuable asset to our communtiy and you are simply not aware. How can this be acceptable?

Thanks to the Corvallist for covering his announcent for candidacy and also for her published interview with Michael.
Corvallist, have you considered starting up your own paper?


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