Tonight brings the next installment of the Linn Benton County Teen Idol contest. It's no secret that I'm a Hooray! Hooray! fan... That band is fun to watch and they have loads of charisma. The pieces they write are filled with meter and dynamic changes that keep the audience engaged in the performance. They also play several different styles... last week they performed a Led Zeppelin piece and then a blues work as well. When I hear bands play the same style over and over, I tend to get bored. I look forward to hearing what they come up with for this evening. It would be wonderful if this band made a CD, I would buy it.
There's 3 other bands who are also playing this evening. One seems as though they are community college students. They asked the audience to stand up. I didn't like that. If their music moves me to dance, then I'll stand. In the meantime, please don't ask for adulation's... I'll give them freely when deserved.
Another band, Idacrast did fairly well. The bass player interested me the most...not because of his hopping around, I just liked the bass line. This is a pretty good band.
The final band last week sang so completely off pitch, I felt bad for them. Interestingly, the judges had nothing to say about that. Perhaps they understand that this is really an OK band that just had an off night.
Regarding the judges... I notice a big improvement in their critiques from 2 years ago, as they are becoming slightly more critical. I would like to hear more specifics from them to the performers. "Pitchy" is not a specific area in which one could look to and improve. The students need to know where and how (specifically) they could improve. I am exceedingly happy that these people volunteer to do this (most likely thankless) job. And true, as a serious musician, I will be more critical than the average fan in the audience...sorry!!
I am so excited about tonight. Wish I didn't have to take The Loquacious One to a piano lesson first, and that's only if she's lucky and gets one at all. That's all the fault of the Jazz Assembly Wednesday throwing the school schedule out of whack. Because there was a Jazz Night concert, is the Jazz band not going to play at the band concert next week? Oh, and that assembly must have been inspiring, because TLO said "I've got to start practicing trombone." (That's so she can play in the jazz band next year.)
i think idacrast did awsome! the drummer was really good. i loved the cow bell he was throwing in on the song funk puzzle. The bass player wa pretty good too! I could not beleive that back flip the guitarist did off the wall, i mean jeez!!
Hi Anonymous!
I agree, Idacrast did a great job! And I thought the flip off the wall was pretty cool too...Although, I bet they're told not to do that again for insurance reasons.
I still stand by my words about Hooray! Hooray! though... I think either This Just In should have left, or the Nobles. BUT... That's not how the judges saw it. Oh well.
I can't get over being faulted for showing variety in styles.
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